• Anonymous
    “Dear David, This is such an important cause and we are so proud of you taking on such an endeavour in loving memory of your dearest Normand and for so many others! Sending strength and love. 💕 Maureen”
    Received this donation 133 days ago
    David Lapierre
    “Dear Anonymous, thank you so very much for your kind donation. Kids are our future and caring for their welfare and health our ultimate goal. Thank you also for honouring the memory of my beloved Normand. You have all my affection! 💛💛💛”
  • Ann Isabelle De Leeuw
    “Go David Go!!! 🚴‍♀️🚴‍♀️🚴‍♀️❤️❤️❤️ Isabelle & Charles 🥰🥰🥰”
    Received this donation 162 days ago
    David Lapierre
    “W🚴🏻‍♂️W!!! J’me peux pu. Merci tellement. Je vous aime! 💋💋💛💛”
  • David Barrington
    Received this donation 140 days ago
    David Lapierre
    “My beloved friend, what a long road we’ve traveled together. You have always been by my side and have had my back. Thank you for being in my life and thank you for your generous support. You are loved! 💛🚴🌻”
  • Marie Claude Boucher
    “Bravo David!!!!! Quel beau défi!!!!!!👏👏”
    Received this donation 162 days ago
    David Lapierre
    “Toi là tu me fais autant brailler de gratitude et de joie que tu me fais rire. Merci pour tes bons conseils et ton amitié… Et pour ça! Je t’aime 💛💛💋💋”
  • Natalie Bussiere
    Received this donation 157 days ago
    David Lapierre
    “Natalie, merci tellement pour ça et pour ton inestimable amitié. 💛💛💋💋”
  • Westmount Florist
    “Pedal on! All your friends at Westmount Florist are cheering for you. 🌸🚴‍♂️”
    Received this donation 124 days ago
    David Lapierre
    “Guys! How you touch my heart for so many reasons. Thank your for your generosity, your support, your frienship and some of the best years in my life. 🥹🚴🏼‍♂️💛🙏🏻”
  • Elaine Briere
    “So thrilled your have taken on this challenge. What a wonderful way to honour Normand and his goal for sick kids with cancer.”
    Received this donation 161 days ago
    David Lapierre
    “Your undying devotion to his memory touches my heart as do your kind words. Thank you. You are loved! 💛🚴🏻‍♂️💋”
  • Roselyne Rovira & Kelsey Tremblay
    “We love you! Sending lots of love your way, we are so proud of you! Xoxo”
    Received this donation 155 days ago
    David Lapierre
    “Oh mes chéries! Comme je suis touché. La vie continue. Et comme elle, je poursuis ma route et je continue d’honorer le souvenir de mon beau mari. Cette cause lui tenait tant à coeur. Quel bel hommage nous lui rendons tous ensemble. Je vous aime. 💛💛💋💋”
  • Alexandra Henry
    “Tu es un homme extraordinaire 🥹❤️❤️❤️ Tu sais à quel point il serait fier de toi 🫶🏻🫶🏻 On est là pour toi et avec toi !! Je t’aiiiiime si foooort ❤️❤️”
    Received this donation 159 days ago
    David Lapierre
    “Ah toi! Merci tellement pour ces mots et pour ta participation a ce pélerinage d’amour. Je t’aime. 💛💋”
  • cblanchet@deserres.ca
    “go go go!”
    Received this donation 161 days ago
    David Lapierre
    “Chère Céline, merci de te joindre à moi dans cette aventure. Je suis touché! 💛💋”
  • Elisabeth Vanden Abeele
    “Mon ti loup !! Bravo pour ce que tu fais , Normand est fier de toi ♥️et moi aussi 😘😘😘😘😘😘😘”
    Received this donation 162 days ago
    David Lapierre
    “Merci du fond du coeur. Comme normand aimait tellement dire: « J’vous aime! »”
  • JeanFrancois Asselin
    Received this donation 115 days ago
    David Lapierre
    “Mon ami… Tu connais mon attachement à cette cause à la mémoire de “Thérèse” 😂 Merci de me supporter. Je t’aime mon JF. 💛💛💋💋”
  • Joanne Hamblin
    “For The Kids and for Normand🫶”
    Received this donation 162 days ago
    David Lapierre
    “My precious friend. Thank you so much for this. I miss you! 💛💛💋💋”
  • Jocelyne Beaudry
    “May your legs be as strong as your heart. I love your love…”
    Received this donation 161 days ago
    David Lapierre
    “My heart is full with gratitude my beautiful JoJo. And that is the strength I need. Thank you, thank you, thank you! 💛💛💋💋”
    “I there with you....en pensée.”
    Received this donation 114 days ago
    David Lapierre
    “Oh Ligia, merci tellement d’être là. Ça vaut de l’or. 💛💛💋💋”
  • louisecourey@gmail.com
    “Darling David!! What a beautiful man you are!! You go get em! I’m sure Normand is smiling! Love u! ❤️❤️❤️”
    Received this donation 161 days ago
    David Lapierre
    “Turning tears of grief into Joy and Hope. I promised him to be forever joyful; it’s my humble tribute to the immensely generous and loving human being he has been! Thank you, Lou. 💛💛🚴🏻‍♂️🚴🏻‍♂️💋💋”
  • André Marcotte
    “☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️😎☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️ 🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🥇🚴🏽‍♂️💨🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻 💛💛💛💛💛💛💛⭐️💛💛💛💛💛💛💛 🎈🏥🎈🏥⛑️🏥⚕️🩺⚕️🏥⛑️🏥🎈🏥🎈”
    Received this donation 162 days ago
    David Lapierre
    “Mon beau André d’Amour. Tu me touches. Merci d’avoir été et de continuer d’être dans « notre » vie. Je t’aime. 💛💛🚴🏻‍♂️🚴🏻‍♂️💋💋”
  • Integritas Consulting Services Inc.
    “David, Congratulations on an impressive ride to come and for a beautiful cause, indeed. We miss him too... and you. Small acts make significant differences. Yours is an inspiring act of purpose and love. So, much love back to you, Sean, Marc, & Lily.”
    Received this donation 139 days ago
    David Lapierre
    “You boys never fail to touch my heart. Thank you so much for this. It means the world. Love you to bits. Tati d 💛💋🌻”
  • Jorge Ornelas
    “Bendiciones amigo sending hugs and well wishes”
    Received this donation 162 days ago
    David Lapierre
    “Jorge! How very sweet to pay tribute to Normand’s memory… And so generous. Thank you. 💛💛💋💋 P.S. please send me your mailing address.”
  • valerie marchand
    Received this donation 110 days ago
    David Lapierre
    “Awwwwwww, Valérie! Merci tellement pour ta générosité. Ça fait chaud au coeur en rentrant d’un 20km “caniculaire”. En ore mille mercis. 💛💛🚴🏼🚴🏼💋💋”