• The Light At The End of The Tunnel (Aug 31,2024)
    31 Aug 2024

    Six years on this journey to fight kids' cancer, and every year, I am challenged to pedal just a little bit more. These precious little souls keep me inspired to continue no matter what. When I think of all they have to face, it makes me realize how much further we have to go. Not only in miles, but also donations, and a caring heart that pushes through the difficult times despite our adversities. These kids show us every day what it means to not give up. Be the light at the end of the tunnel.

    The Light At The End of The Tunnel (Aug 31,2024)
    Posted 49 days ago
  • You Can Make a Difference
    21 Aug 2024

    Today is another day to make a difference in some small way. Whatever you do. Do it from your heart. It's the little things that mean the most and makes the biggest difference. You just never know whose heart you will touch when you care. Changing faces. One SMILE at a time. One heart at a time. You can make a difference. We all can. More action. Less words. Let's go!!

    You Can Make a Difference
    Posted 60 days ago
  • Cycling With Confidence
    10 Aug 2024

    Every kilometer gets you that much closer to your goal. Focus on the mission and your purpose. The kilometers will come. If we're intentional, we can achieve what we set out to do. Head and heart. Believe it! Then you will achieve it. One week into the challenge, and I have already completed 70% of my goal. Remember, it's about what you can do and not trying to keep up with what everyone else is doing. Your WHY.

    Cycling With Confidence
    Posted 71 days ago
  • Don't Let Life Pass You By
    22 Jul 2024

    Cancer has taught me to appreciate the little things in life. The back roads, side streets, rainy days, puddles, and the trees. There are so many trees we pass by every day and never take note of their form, branches, height, or their leaves unless it's Fall.

    Spring; Summer; Fall; and Winter. I see and notice the beauty and majesty of a tree. Their ability to withstand the storms of life speaks resilience in my eyes. The many stories untold.

    I realize that many don't get the chance to see what we see have what we have because it's been taken away, or they just never had the chance to enjoy it. Let this be our reminder not to let life pass us by.

    Don't Let Life Pass You By
    Posted 90 days ago
  • Big Dreams
    6 Jun 2024

    Five years ago, I had a dream. Fast forward to 2024, I have the same DREAM.

    I am riding for the dream that one day, no one will have to hear the word CANCER. Maybe it's just a dream, but I still believe.✨️

    Let's go, GCCCANADA. Let's CRUSH the CANCER out of CANCER. One pedal stroke at a time.

    Big Dreams
    Posted 135 days ago
    2 Jun 2024

    I did what I could when I could. Never giving up. Even when the dial wasn't moving. I kept asking and continued to cycle onwards and upwards. 

    STICKTOITIVITY and PERSEVERANCE wins every time.

    Fighting kids' cancer has had a positive impact on my life. Both mentally and physically.

    Cancer has impacted so many lives around us and close to us. If I can touch one heart, then I have made a difference. That one heart will multiply to many.

    Keep winning in whatever it is you choose to do.

    Move with intention and always have a PURPOSE


    Pursue Until Something Happens

    Posted 140 days ago
  • A World Without CANCER
    25 May 2024

    I live and breathe for a world without cancer. It's thought of, and even calculated as impossible! BUT, is it?! I believe the IMPOSSIBLE can be POSSIBLE. T-O-G-E-T-H-E-R we can. Many of the things we enjoy today were once impossible until someone made it possible. P.U.S.H.

    Pursue Until Something Happens

    They say there is a cure for everything. Let's find it! Don't hold back! These kids motivate me every single day and give us all a reason to keep going. DON'T STOP!

    A World Without CANCER
    Posted 147 days ago
  • Never Give Up Try Again
    11 May 2024

    As kids, we don't give up. As we get older, We let the weight of the world bombard us and hold us back. We blame our age or other factors.

    When we don't look at the entire picture, we miss out on the experiences of life that could add value and knowledge to our understanding of the world around us. There's a reason for second chances. Don't allow one bad experience to prevent you from seeing the bigger picture.

    Try until you succeed. Who says you can't?! Who are they? They are not YOU.

    Cycle on...



    Never Give Up Try Again
    Posted 162 days ago
  • Power Through
    21 Apr 2024

    Things are not always as bad as they seem or as crazy as they sound. Pedal away from the negatives and pedal toward the positives. Negative thoughts and behaviors often hold us back from accomplishing the things we really want to achieve on any given day or in our lifetime. Don't let the negatives keep you from moving ahead. If we never try, we will never know. Listen to your inner voice. It's telling you something. Keep moving forward. One pedal stroke at a time. One bike ride at a time. One day at a time. Keep going. You can make it! Whether you fly, ride, run, walk, jog, or crawl. You can make it! Develop from the negatives and keep moving FORWARD.

    Carlene out!

    Power Through
    Posted 182 days ago
  • Optimistic State of Mind
    3 Mar 2024

    In order for your outlook in life to be clear. Your vision can not be cloudy. Even in the most trying situations, there are positives. Unfortunately, most of us assume the worst or focus on the negatives. When I choose to be optimistic, it puts my mind at ease.

    Optimistic State of Mind
    Posted 231 days ago