• Day 31 - One More Ride ❤️
    31 Aug 2024

    Great Cycle Challenge Canada

    Day 31 - One more ride ❤️...

    It has been a month...a learning journey as always, and once again, one filled with a rollercoaster of emotions, as I process life, death, bravery, sadness, resilience, perspective. And a never-wavering commitment to GET IT DONE.

    I dedicate my final ride to my Dad. He has been with me every rotation of my tires. He has always been my hero and my inspiration, and he is truly an angel on my shoulder (parked there right beside my Mom ❤).

    He's the guy who would wake up at 5 am, drive to Toronto and climb the CN Tower four times for charity, drive back home, and hit the gym class before coming home again. He awed me. Just before my Dad got his devastating cancer diagnosis, he and I were planning where we were going to set up his treadmill in their new space so he could get back in shape for his next climb. I am so proud to be his daughter, and I am grateful that I got at least a wee bit of his determination.

    I am proud of my accomplishments this month, and humbled once again by the amazing support I receive from my family, my friends, and my village along the way 🙏. I am heartbroken to think of what children and their families go through fighting this brutal disease, and amazed by their resiliency and bravery in the face of this fight for their lives.


    For these warrior kids and their families, for my Dad who inspires me every day, for my Mom (because she has always been my greatest champion), for my dear friends and family members battling cancer right now (❤), for you, and finally, for me.


    #irideforthem #GCCCanada #iftheycandocancericandothis #MyDadMyInspiration #irideforDad

    Day 31 - One More Ride ❤️
    Posted 19 days ago