• Last Day for 2024 GCC Riders
    31 Aug 2024

    My best to all the GCC riders on the last km's of 2024. Safe travels for all!

    And for the kids, family, friends and all who battle cancer our GCC ride ends today but our will for all of you to keep going, keep smiling, finding the "good" whenever and in whatever moment does not end - ever.

    The rainbow picture at the top of my page is my hope that the pot of gold is the end of cancer as we know it! Never thought I would see the end of a rainbow - so never say never, life is full of possibilities.

    Last Day for 2024 GCC Riders
    Posted 18 days ago
  • THAT'S A WRAP - 1000KM+
    30 Aug 2024

    One day to spare but the weather tomorrow looks very WET! Leisurely 42km on hybrid fun bike south along Petit Trail towards Mont Blanc. In about 3 weeks the Petit Trail will be covered by the falling leaves! You can see the start of the colour change.

    To all GCC riders finish strong - trying to make life better for those kids and adults battling cancer!

    THAT'S A WRAP - 1000KM+
    Posted 19 days ago
  • August 28 Ride Petit Trail Mont Tremblant
    29 Aug 2024

    This trail is 200km long from St Jerome into Mont Laurier Quebec. It is home to various 10km, 1/2 marathon, marathons, cyclist, walkers, in-line skating and some groomed classic cross country skiing in winter.

    The section around Mont Tre.blant is paved and north into Labelle is a combination paved/ hard packed gravel (though it looks like they are about to pave all sections into Labelle).

    C'est fantastique and it is pretty much flat! 42 km ride August 28.

    August 28 Ride Petit Trail Mont Tremblant
    Posted 20 days ago
  • Saturday, August 10
    11 Aug 2024

    300km down, 700km to go. It is called the Long and Winding Road. And i am just riding a bike, indoors/ outdoors, solo or with other cycling enthusiasts. I have that opportunity. All people/ kids deserve that opportunity - or the chance to enjoy what they love, whatever it may be.

    The photo, Monday, August 5. One of my favorites. About 90 minutes up and down, depending on how long you spend up top. It is totally mezmerizing from 3rd week in September through the end of the 2nd/ beginning of 3rd week of October. Your mind is bedazzled by the colours. A premier ski hill can be seen at the far end of the lake.

    Any ideas of location?

    Last picture/ blog with camel riders on the beach - Australia (go figure).

    Wednesday this comig week is huge for Great Cycle Challenge. All donations up to $1 million $$ will be matched. Really an amazing day!!! And very motivating for all riders.

    We all have different pathways in life, we never really know where the road will take us - but our travels would be way better without having to think about cancer getting in the way - help the kids, help all that are touched by cancer.

    Saturday, August 10
    Posted 39 days ago
  • Great Cycle Challenge Day 3
    4 Aug 2024


    I am working on my butt this month (1000km for a young old guy on a road bike) - others I know are travelling around different parts of the world. So the pic is from someone where camel rides on a beach at sunset are happening. Anyone know where?

    3 days in - 100km done. Fortunate to spin my bike wheels in Mont Tremblant. Beautiful routes here and usually do not have to worry about car/ truck traffic as Tremblant usually hosts 2-3 triathlons each year, which attracts cyclist. And the people living in the community tend to support healthy active living. Also smaller population in the area versus GTA and the people seem a lot more laid back about life.

    GTA is full of road rage drivers and the stories/ incidents of drivers purposely trying to intimidate/ hit cyclists are increasing. And this seems even to be the case on low rural roads!

    Sunday is a day off from bike - hope to get a longer ride in on Monday with a few pictures. Also joined a GCC team - Help Them Be Kids.

    Fight the good battle, help the crazy drivers stay calm and think about helping kids find a life that is cancer free.

    Great Cycle Challenge Day 3
    Posted 46 days ago