• IT's Matching Day! Thanks to the Garron Family.
    14 Aug 2024

    I managed to grab a case of Covid this week, not great timing. So riding indoors today and until I can clear symptoms. Not my preferred riding, outdoors is a lot quicker and enjoyable. But have to keep riding towards the 1000 K mark for this month.

    IT's Matching Day! Thanks to the Garron Family.
    Posted 36 days ago
  • Jolene says one more time hit \$50,000 cumulative funds raised and buy her a cookie monster stuffed toy!
    6 Jul 2024

    The coach has spoken and hockey season is over. So Jolene is now coaching me for the 2024 Great Cycle challenge. She gets rewarded every 250 K rode in August indoors or out and when I hit $2500 or 1000K ridden she gets her Cookie Monster Stuffed animal. Jolene says support the kids Fighting Cancer and make sure she gets her coaching bonuses through August. Ride on.

    Jolene says one more time hit \$50,000 cumulative funds raised and buy her a cookie monster stuffed toy!
    Posted 74 days ago
  • Pre- August 2024 Message
    31 May 2024

    I am currently training at about a 900 k per month pace annualized for 10,000 k goal. I am feeling good about doing 1000k in less than a month starting August 5 in my case. if needed will steel a few days from early September to make up for a delayed start. Really want to cross the $50,000 mark this year having reached over $48,000 with your great support in the past 8 years. Thanks for reading and supporting this cause.


    Pre- August 2024 Message
    Posted 110 days ago