Well, I didn’t reach my goal this year. This is somewhat disappointing on a personal level, but Im trying to remember….. I’m still in treatment. There are a couple days left, so maybe I’ll get a few more km’s in, but we are on holiday with our Granddaughter, and she loves time with Grandpa too.
I have had a great time when on my bike, especially here in Victoria. Fellow GCCC Rider Arron gave me a personal biking tour today, and we bumped into Sharon! Sharon is the GCCC Rider who had the hats and socks done up as a fundraiser last year. These are the first fellow riders I have met, and truly was a boost in enthusiasm riding around town to the sites.
I got to pay my respects to a true hero of mine, and explored a new place.
The weather was perfect.
I may have cancer, but cancer doesn’t have me!
Link In BIO!
#IAmBone #NobodyFightsAlone #iwontbackdown #CancerJourney #cancerwarrior #TomorrowsCoffee #warrior #survivor #KFG #manuptocancer #BDP #cancersurvivor #GCCC #GreatCycleChallengeCanada #RidingForTheKids