• Get after it!
    13 Jan 2025

    Here we are at the beginning of 2025, and already looking forward to August and another year participating in The Great Cycle Challenge Canada to benefit Childhood Cancer Fighters!

    This will be my 5th year participating in this great cause, and I look forward to all the inspiring stories, and support from the other participants far and wide. We may be mostly riding alone, but we do it with a common goal.... FIGHT CHILDHOOD CANCER!

    I am still in my own cancer war, and the current battle is the continued chemo treatments to rid my bladder/urinary tract of any residual cancer left from previous battles. Akin to going into a battlefield to clean-up any and all land-mines and other unexploded ordnance left behind.

    I have been incredibly fortunate to have received much support over the yeas, and humbly ask once again for you to consider continuing your most generous support via Donations to SickKids Foundation through my Great Cycle Challenge Canada profile page. Every dollar helps !

    When I include “#TomorrowsCoffee” in my posts, it is to remind myself, and hopefully inspire others, to think of tomorrow with enthusiasm and gratitude. Start each day with a smile!

    I may have cancer, but cancer doesn’t have me!

    “We have not come this far to only come this far.” Danny Riggs

    Link In BIO!

    #IAmBone #EightXAndCounting

    #NobodyFightsAlone #iwontbackdown #CancerJourney #cancerwarrior #TomorrowsCoffee #warrior #survivor #KFG #manuptocancer #BDP #cancersurvivor #GCCC #GreatCycleChallengeCanada

    Get after it!
    Posted 40 days ago