• 8 Sep 2024

    What a ride August was. Thanks to the incredible support of family, friends and colleagues I was able to meet both my fundraising and KM goals for the GCC challenge for SickKids Foundation. Together, we raised $6024 this year so far ($23,482 these past 4 years). Unfortunately, the cycling part ended with a thud 2 days early at 518 KM with a lot of bruises to my body and ego when I went “ass over tea kettle” while carrying a celebratory ice cream down a hill on my bike. Don’t try that. Don't.

    Despite the spectacular spill, it's been a real honor to be a part of the amazing Great Cycle Challenge Canada community again this year in support of SickKids Foundation. There are 15,000 or so of us from coast to coast peddling hard for too many little warriors that should be riding their bikes and having fun living life, not fighting to live. I’ve met and cycled with many other GCC cyclists who have become friends. They are an inspiring and kind spirited group; many of whom have battled cancer themselves or have experienced childhood cancer with a loved one.

    No child or family should have to endure a child being diagnosed with cancer. These little warriors are our super heroes. That’s why we ride and raise $. Our Canadian total won't be known until the end of September but we expect it to be over $7 million !

    Thanks to all that donated this year. I’m super grateful. And by the way, tell your friends and family that the page is still open for the balance of September.

    Ever gratefully,


    Posted 10 days ago
  • Today is no ordinary day - it's MATCH DAY
    14 Aug 2024

    The GCC is a national event with thousands of cyclists (age 4-80) participating from coast to coast. The goal is to set a goal for cycling as many KM as we can during August while fundraising for enhanced research and treatments to reduce childhood cancer. I cannot tell you how inspired I am by my fellow cyclists across Canada that I have met in person and virtually; many are fighting cancer currently; many have beaten cancer in the past; many have experienced the loss of a child to cancer and many like me are grateful that we never have had to experience dealing with cancer directly. However, we are all bonded by a commitment to help fight childhood cancer.

    Approximately 1,700 kids are diagnosed with cancer every year in Canada. 10,000 children are in treatment right now. Great advances are made everyday by SickKids from funds raised by way of this annual fundraising event. Last year together we raised over $7 million. That’s thanks to my fellow cyclists and the support of thousands of sponsors across the land, like you.

    For many years I was content to support others who participated in fundraising events for important causes. I often participated in such events and was never bold enough to ask for sponsors. That changed 3 years ago given a growing commitment to join the battle to fight childhood cancer o/a Sick Kids Foundation. Because Kids should be living life and riding THEIR bikes and not fighting for their little lives!

    I know too well, that this year, it has been hard for many folks to make ends meet. However, if you can, please consider supporting my 450km challenge and donating through my fundraising page noted below. All funds raised will support SickKids Foundation to provide care, develop treatments and find a cure for childhood cancer.

    Every dollar counts but TODAY only it counts double!

    On Wednesday August 14th (only) the Garron Family Foundation will match your donations. Today is August 14! If you can, please donate today. It will make both of us feel really good and will help save little lives. As always, I am grateful for the support. Always

    Today is no ordinary day - it's MATCH DAY
    Posted 36 days ago