• That’s a wrap GCC 2024
    1 Sep 2024

    It’s just after 5:30 pm August 31 year #3 complete.

    Just like to Thank everyone of my our sponsors for this year’s achievements, without you folks we wouldn’t have been able to get as far as we did. Thanks to the boys at work for helping out the days needed.

    The one goal we had complete control over was the km goal, the fundraising was another banger year which drove me to complete the 2000km from August 1-31. Time on the bike 88hours 3min,16,000 meters climbed over the 2029 km and 42 rides completed.

    Saw another GCC rider today on lochside and around the Airport Cathy Jansen who was putting in the 82 km to finish up her ride goal.

    The scenery I saw when I hit the mark happened to be Mt Baker of in the distance.

    That’s a wrap GCC 2024
    Posted 18 days ago
  • Home stretch
    26 Aug 2024

    No entering the last week of the 2024 challenge. Little over 400km to go. Question isn’t will it happen but what day will we complete the ride goal!!!

    Posted 24 days ago
  • Half way there!!
    18 Aug 2024

    Just climbed over the half way point Km wise. Right now everything looks on track to finish with 2000 km or better. Also plan to get on the email and texts donation wise and see how close we can get there as well.

    Posted 31 days ago
  • Big Day
    15 Aug 2024

    Wow what a couple of days!! Thank you very Much to all the sponsors to date for coming together to support this fundraising effort. Although I still have a ways to go I’m happy with the team of supporters I have behind my.

    Long day working, sending email and texts, then went out for a 52 km ride to finish the great day at 11pm we have reached just over $9,000 tomorrow we will find out the results of the extra match funds

    Big Day
    Posted 35 days ago
  • Kick Cancers Butt day
    14 Aug 2024

    Today is the big day for donations. All donations,all riders receive are matched up to 1,300,000. So it’s kind of a big deal. There are a lot of riders out there riding to support this years 2024 ride to fight kids Cancer fundraiser and awareness of the month long ride. People,Businesses can donate all month long August 1-31 but today has the biggest impact cause of the match day. Together we ride

    Kick Cancers Butt day
    Posted 35 days ago