• Day 5
    7 Aug 2024

    I took the last two days to rest (Monday and Tuesday). The weather wasn’t ideal for riding (rain + thunder), so I felt good about my decision but I realized it’s a good idea to have an indoor backup stationary bicycle. I will be reaching out to some friends today to see who has one I can borrow as needed!

    I completed 8 km today, starting with a 2 laps around the track as a warm-up. I wore my new biking gear today which made me feel more like a biker!

    Day 5
    Posted 43 days ago
  • Day 3 & 4
    4 Aug 2024

    This weekend was a HOT one! Yesterday, I ventured down riverside - struggling to stay seated because my bottom was so sore. I finished my ride standing up - allowing me to increase my speed right at the end.

    Today, I decided to borrow an e-bike with a BIG comfy seat that made such a difference! I kept the motor turned off and maintained a steady pace of about 9 mph. My plan was to do 10 km but it started to look like it was gonna rain so I cut my ride short and came back home to do some self-care.

    Day 3 & 4
    Posted 46 days ago
  • Day 2
    2 Aug 2024

    Today’s ride was challenging, I felt the burn in my thighs in my first kilometer! I focused on my breathing and maintained a steady pace for the first 5 km, increasing my speed in the 6th kilometer before progressively slowing down for my last two. The weather was nice but so windy, i’ll have to remember to start wearing ear protection moving forward. Oh and a helmet :) safety first!

    Posted 48 days ago
  • Day 1: 10 km
    2 Aug 2024

    Today was day 1 of my challenge. I had a mentally exhausting past couple of days and was dreading the bike ride all day. I kept telling myself I got this. I did 10 km in just under 30 minutes - no breaks! I will not be sharing my routes online to protect my privacy but I will continue to give daily updates as I go.

    Posted 49 days ago