Sue Dewar

9years All Star
Sue Dewar
I am riding 650 km in memory of anyone affected by this disease. Please sponsor me and support my challenge to fight kids' cancer and save little lives.
I've Ridden 800.1 km to fight kids' cancer
My Rankings
  • National: 252nd
  • Province: 139th in ON
I've raised $3,994 to fight kids' cancer Donate Now

I'm Riding For

Riding for anyone affected by this disease.

The first ride is in honour of a long time supporter and friend, Tara M. I can still hear her encouraging words.

My Story

6 Jun 2020

This August, I am taking part in the Great Cycle Challenge to fight kids' cancer!

Why? Because right now, over 1,400 children are diagnosed with cancer every year, and it's the biggest killer of children from disease in Canada.

Kids should be living life, not fighting for it.

So I am raising funds through my challenge to help these kids and support SickKids Foundation to allow them to continue their work in developing treatments and finding a cure for childhood cancer.

Please support me by making a donation to give these kids the brighter futures they deserve.

Your support will change little lives.

Thank you.

My Legacy

Here's my personal impact over 9 years to fight kids' cancer and save little lives.
  • 668 km Ridden
  • 502 km Ridden
    $761 Raised
  • 914 km Ridden
    $1,161 Raised
  • 1,108 km Ridden
    $1,738 Raised
  • 1,115 km Ridden
    $2,562 Raised
  • 1,280 km Ridden
    $4,368 Raised
  • 1,030 km Ridden
    $4,146 Raised
  • 1,174 km Ridden
    $4,709 Raised
8,591 km

My Challenge

  • Petit Train du Nord, sort of!
    31 Aug 2024

    Bonus ride today up in the Laurentians, on what used to be one of our favourite rides. Not so today!

    The plan was to park in St Jovite (Km 83 on map) , and head to Tremblant village, around beautiful Lac Mercier, through La Conception, into Labelle on the Petit Train du Nord. We love this part of trail! Not so today!

    First problem was at park and ride in St Jovite. Scott went to pump up his tire at the public bike repair station. The only thing that pump did was let air OUT of the tire. 15 min of using a mini hand pump proved useless. That's when I suggested we go to the bike store across the road. Owner offered his pump free of charge, problem fixed and we hit the dusty trail, again!

    Arrived in Tremblant village, beautiful route past golf course, chalets, streams...only to find trail closed due to construction. Kms 92 - 97 were being paved; the detour took us to the highway. Quebec highways, dump trucks, Friday before a long weekend, hills, nay, mountains, (hello, that's why we like rail trails)...the realization that we had to take same route back almost made me quit this trip!

    THEN we got to the trail only to find long stretches of fresh crushed stone (my road bike was not happy) and rough riding due to flooding 2 weeks ago. Pretty bad when bumps cause you to lose your water bottle!

    Rolled into Labelle and sat quietly for a long time. Lots to think about today...

    GCC 2024 is a wrap.

    Not the start I wanted, with Covid; not exactly the ride I was anticipating today to finish it. 800km later I am definitely older, not necessarily wiser. But I am SO fortunate to have the generous support of friends, family, neighbours, even strangers...and my goofy sidekick, Scotty, year after year. Thank you!

    I started the Challenge with 'Mamma Mia, here we go again...' stuck in my head.

    Ending with 'Let's Do it Again' by the Beach Boys.❀

    Petit Train du Nord, sort of!
    Posted 19 days ago
  • 53.1 km ride - Petit Train du Nord, sort of! - Friday, August 30, 2024
    Logged this ride 20 days ago
  • Gananoque bound!
    27 Aug 2024

    Likely our last ride for the month, so had to go out with a wallopper! AND we had great cause to celebrate the safe arrival of our great niece!!!

    Our annual trek to Gananoque from the park and ride west of Brockville was calling. 37.5 km each way...going there almost did us in...heat, headwind and hills. Swear those hills are bigger this year too! Scenery was beautiful...sunshine, sailboats, swans, osprey, tour boats, para-sailing, kayaking, flowers, delicious! But what is with the 6 coyote statues on lawns, 2 of which were having a shite! Takes garden art to a new level. Speaking of, we did see the best new car for me! (See photo!)

    On the return, the anticipated tail wind was heavenly! At the 58km point, Scott said he was actually having fun!

    Almost 100km over my goal, a cold beverage on the porch, Scott and I are still married, and a new baby girl...a great day for this old hen!

    Gananoque bound!
    Posted 22 days ago
  • 75.2 km ride - Gananoque bound! - Tuesday, August 27, 2024
    Logged this ride 23 days ago
  • Nailed it!
    25 Aug 2024

    Tried something different today...the Clampetts went downtown!!! Parliament Hill in fact. We parked at the GRC in Stittsville and hit the dusty trail, with our dusty bottoms. It was our lucky day! Pretty amazing to have this trail (part of Trans Canada Trail and Rideau Trail) get you all the way downtown. Even more amazing to have the Parkway closed to cars on Sundays. Thank you, NCC.

    These two hicks from the country were awestruck tourists! Better than being car struck, I guess! So many people out, cyclists, joggers, walkers...dogs, geese, Inukshuks, buses, more people.

    Although it was a nice change, it has been confirmed, we are much more the Eddie Albert type than Eva Gabor! Give us the countryside.

    Today's 65km ride pushed me over my 650km goal, yea! Not the August I expected (rain, cold, bloody Covid), but we did it! Scott is having a nap right now to celebrate! Don't worry, I will buy that man a beer, or two!

    And I couldn't have done it without the support and encouragement of all of you, thank you, from the bottom of my heart, and very sore arse.

    I'll keep riding, but the pressure is off, whoot whoot!!!β€πŸš΄β€β™€οΈ

    Serious case of helmet head, but proud of it!

    Nailed it!
    Posted 24 days ago
  • 65.0 km ride - Nailed it! - Sunday, August 25, 2024
    Logged this ride 25 days ago
  • Quick one!
    24 Aug 2024

    One week left, and only 92km to reaching my goal. Easy peasy, right?But what if it rains all week and there are worms out? What if it's windy and cold every day? What if I win the lottery, or, better yet, a Clydesdale?

    So much to consider, so convinced Scott a short ride to Carleton Place was possible, even needed. I was thinking of him, really.

    Sunshine, horses, lush green fields (love how grapevines look on other people's fences!), brought us into CP. But not quite so much fun motoring home when we had a time limit...sprinting is not in my skill set.

    We had a date with the clan in Merrickville today at 12:30, to see these beauties!❀

    Quick one!
    Posted 25 days ago
  • 47.6 km ride - Quick one! - Saturday, August 24, 2024
    Logged this ride 26 days ago
  • Blue shadows on the trail...
    22 Aug 2024

    Almost a week since I've been out, blaming it on weather, and a couple (ok, 3) days of recovery after the date square episode.

    Despite grey skies and cool temps this morning, the forecast looked promising. Wind from the north and west lured me to head north and west, with the promise of a delicious tail wind on the way home.

    It was so good to be out, the clouds gave way to blue skies and sunshine, finally. I lost myself in the ride. Found myself in Almonte (where they have the cutest benches and a bike repair stand. Oh, and a public washroom!), Blakeney and Pakenham, but construction turned me around.

    Started thinking about my all time favourite movie that I watched last night, The 3 Amigos. I chuckled putting on my lip balm, I laughed out loud at the scene where Dusty sits backwards on Ned's horse, I guffawed at the plethora of piΓ±atas and El Guapo dancing. I love Steve Martin and Martin Short, still watching them today and never disappointed.

    The song stuck in my head most of today's guessed it. Love those singing horses!

    92km left, whoot whoot!

    Blue shadows on the trail...
    Posted 27 days ago
  • 101.5 km ride - Blue shadows on the trail... - Thursday, August 22, 2024
    Logged this ride 28 days ago
  • The power of a date square!
    16 Aug 2024

    Wanted to try for a longer ride today...had this stuck in my head (thank you, Robert Frost):

    The woods are lovely, dark and deep,

    But I have promises to keep,

    And miles to go before I sleep,

    And miles to go before I sleep.

    Back in the saddle solo this hot sunny Friday. Starting from home, heading north, then west to Tennyson again, aiming for Hands Rd to turn around.

    That's when the date square appeared. I love date squares, especially those at The Hourglass in Perth. I started to crave one, which is weird because I still can't taste anything. But that vision kept me going, to Perth. Well worth the effort!

    Home via County Rd 10, all sugared up from said treat, and that delicious tail wind. Had a little James Brown stuck in my head too!

    101.8km in the books today!

    The power of a date square!
    Posted 33 days ago
  • 101.8 km ride - The power of a date square! - Friday, August 16, 2024
    Logged this ride 34 days ago
  • Kick Cancer's Butt Day!
    14 Aug 2024

    Another perfect August day, even better today, cause I had company, yea Scotty! My favourite pit crew/comic relief/beverage buyer!

    Parked at Beckwith Park, and headed for Perth. Biking on the newly paved Beckwith 9 to Tennyson is a dream come true. We saw people on horse back (they wouldn't trade), a kayaker (she wouldn't trade), an employee cleaning up the dog's breakfast (he wanted to trade) at The Hourglass Coffee Shop in Perth.

    We saw the perfect Canadian Zamboni in Beckwith, and some changing leaves! Which reminded me of something I saw yesterday...going over Hwy 7 on Appleton overpass, I watched a huge flatbed truck completely loaded with ...brand new Ski-doos, heading towards Carleton Place. You know I can't make stuff like that up! Stop the madness people!!!β€πŸ‡¨πŸ‡¦πŸŒž

    Kick Cancer's Butt Day!
    Posted 35 days ago
  • 70.1 km ride - Kick Cancer's Butt Day! - Wednesday, August 14, 2024
    Logged this ride 36 days ago
  • Great day for celebrating!
    13 Aug 2024

    Days like today are why I like August so much. The golds, purples, rusts of the fields and flowers; the apples, the berries (are they choke cherries?!), the Queen Anne's lace, the cows, the crickets, the hay...delicious! A perfect day, even more so now that I've finally FINALLY tested negative. Headed to Appleton to celebrate, it did not disappoint! Just make sure you obey speed limit!!!

    Great day for celebrating!
    Posted 36 days ago
  • 50.2 km ride - Great day for celebrating! - Tuesday, August 13, 2024
    Logged this ride 37 days ago
  • Just a bit wet!
    11 Aug 2024

    With the forecast of rain for the afternoon we took off this morning with our eyes on the skies. A quick ride into CP, we should be fine...not to be! Drops turned to downpour, water from Scott's wheel hitting my face, frogs jumping, drips coming off the helmet, splashes up from puddles soaked the shoes, to say nothing of what my backside looked like!

    We stopped briefly at the underpass on the TCTrail, noticing blue skies north and south of us, but our little Eeyore cloud hovered. Once back on Dwyer Hill, the sun came out! Bonus was the coffee at Tim's, still can't taste it, but it was warm and we were cold! Another bonus was seeing 2 deer on the trail. Never had to hose mud off inside of my helmet before!

    236km in the books!

    So proud of our Olympians!!!πŸ‡¨πŸ‡¦

    Just a bit wet!
    Posted 38 days ago
  • 41.0 km ride - Just a bit wet! - Sunday, August 11, 2024
    Logged this ride 39 days ago
  • Just do it!
    10 Aug 2024

    One of those, 'Where will I go today?' rides. Wasn't sure where I'd end up, but knew I'd take it easy. Still not 100%, still wallowing in a bit of self pity, so I chose roads that make me happy. Coming down that hill from Ramsey 8 into Almonte is a definite rush of adrenaline. But pulling into the parking lot of library in Almonte, well it was magical. Chinese dragons, dancers, clowns, such a treat!

    Felt good, despite the wind. Just do it, so I did. You'll not beat me, Covid!!!

    Just do it!
    Posted 39 days ago
  • 65.2 km ride - Just do it! - Saturday, August 10, 2024
    Logged this ride 40 days ago
  • Day 8, 3rd ride!
    8 Aug 2024

    Make hay while the sun shines, right? With the upcoming forecast of heavy rain, thanks to tropical storm Debby, we just had to get out this morning.

    From the Park and Ride, we headed up to Almonte, then to Blakeney. My plan was to tuck in behind Scott, but I couldn't keep up with him, so that didn't work. Don't have the strength or vital capacity yet, but this wouldn't be called a challenge if I didn't have to push myself! In the famous words of our then 4 year old daughter, "What do you think I am, a sit down girl?" I love that kid!

    And look what arrived today! Whoot whoot!

    Only 520.6km to go. And Roxanne, guess what song was stuck in my head?

    I need a nap!πŸ’€

    Day 8, 3rd ride!
    Posted 41 days ago
  • 52.0 km ride - Day 8, 3rd ride! - Thursday, August 8, 2024
    Logged this ride 42 days ago
  • Back in the saddle, FINALLY!
    7 Aug 2024

    Definitely not the start to the GCC 2024 I wanted.

    I try to be positive.

    My blood group is even B+

    I used to think I had good taste, now I just want to taste!

    I like company, I try to be a good host. But I want my body back!

    But damn you Covid!!! Enough already, I just want to be negative!

    First 50km ride on Aug 1st, today was only my 2nd ride!!! Short one at that, but so good to get out. My bike was so happy! Promise, no more complaining about wind, hills, trucks...for now!

    Another note: thank goodness the Olympics are on, they kept me from slipping slowly into madness!

    Only 572.6km to go, yowzaa!

    Back in the saddle, FINALLY!
    Posted 42 days ago
  • 27.2 km ride - Back in the saddle, FINALLY!!! - Wednesday, August 7, 2024
    Logged this ride 43 days ago
  • Maiden voyage 2024, aye!
    1 Aug 2024

    9th year and I still can't say enough about how classy GCC Canada is. The highlights:

    No entry fee, no minimum amount of fundraising required.

    You set your personal goals of fundraising and kilometers, and that is flexible.

    You can ride anywhere, anytime, any day. Good for fair weather cyclists like me!

    If you need extra time to reach your goals, Sept is available.

    There is an incredible support team encouraging you to get pedalling.

    AND by far the most important reason, to raise funds and awareness for sweet wee ones battling cancer.

    So have raised $2606 so far...Here's to my very kind sponsors, thank you from the bottom of my ❀!

    In no particular order...Alison T, Bev T, Helga S, Mieka S, Nora M, Lynne R, Hannah W, Elva M, Juergen S, Roxanne B, Maureen T, Suzanne E, Joan & Kenny P, Anonymous, Stew K, Ivana A, Jenny W, Deborah C, Jacquie F, Elizabeth C, Sheila C-S, Kathi K, Cathy M, Karine C, Dan & Donna, Gail M, Margaret B.

    Maiden voyage 2024, aye!
    Posted 48 days ago
  • 50.2 km ride - Maiden voyage 2024! - Thursday, August 1, 2024
    Logged this ride 49 days ago
  • $2,500 raised to fight kids' cancer!

    I just raised $2,500 to fight kids' cancer and achieved SUPERHERO LEVEL in the challenge! Thank you so much for your support.

    Posted 50 days ago
  • $2,000 raised to fight kids' cancer!

    I just raised $2,000 to fight kids' cancer and achieved LEGEND LEVEL in the challenge! Thank you so much for your support.

    Posted 68 days ago
  • $1,000 raised to fight kids' cancer!

    I just raised $1,000 to fight kids' cancer and achieved WARRIOR LEVEL in the challenge! Thank you so much for your support.

    Posted 109 days ago
  • $500 raised to fight kids' cancer!

    I just raised $500 to fight kids' cancer and achieved GUARDIAN LEVEL in the challenge! Thank you so much for your support.

    Posted 135 days ago
  • $250 raised to fight kids' cancer!

    I just raised $250 to fight kids' cancer and achieved PROTECTOR LEVEL in the challenge! Thank you so much for your support.

    Posted 169 days ago
  • $100 raised to fight kids' cancer!

    I just raised $100 to fight kids' cancer and achieved DEFENDER LEVEL in the challenge! Thank you so much for your support.

    Posted 170 days ago

My Sponsors

  • Ivana Arambasic
    “Thanks for continuing this year after year, Sue! In costume and all 😜🎈🥰”
    Received this donation 91 days ago
    Sue Dewar
    “Heehee, thank you, Ivana! Your continued kind and very generous support means so much. I am floored and extremely grateful. Thank you!❤”
  • Kick Cancer's Butt Day matched donation
    “Here's your matched donation made possible by the generosity of long-time SickKids Foundation supporters, the Garron family. THANK YOU so much for your awesome efforts to kick cancer's butt!”
    Received this donation 35 days ago
    Sue Dewar
    “THANK YOU!!!! Your continued and very generous support is incredibly humbling. Thank you!❤”
  • Ann McLean
    Received this donation 31 days ago
    Sue Dewar
    “Mrs Quack Quack! Holy schmokes, thank you sooooo much for your kind and very generous support once again! You are the best, thank you, darlin!”
  • Elizabeth Cameron
    “You are an amazing woman. I know this will be the best year yet!”
    Received this donation 169 days ago
    Sue Dewar
    “Elizabeth Cameron!!! You are so kind, supportive and very generous, year after year after YEAR!!! Thank you so much amazing woman! ❤”
  • Jacquie Fuller
    “Thank YOU SO much for what you do for kid's cancers.”
    Received this donation 135 days ago
    Sue Dewar
    “Jacquie, thank YOU for your support, encouragement and kindness. I will ride for Loggie.❤”
  • Cathy Macdonald
    “You go girl (superhero once again!)”
    Received this donation 133 days ago
    Sue Dewar
    “Cathy!!! You are the superhero!! Thank you, yet again for your kind and generous support, lovely lady! It means so much, thank you!❤”
  • Janet Clarke
    “Well done, my friend!! Love, Jannut”
    Received this donation 12 days ago
    Sue Dewar
    “Awww, Janet, you truly are an earth angel. Thank YOU my lovely friend, once again! Your support means a lot.❤”
  • karine chapleau
    “Way to go! My 8yr old niece has had cancer and his now in remission. No child and family should go through this.”
    Received this donation 65 days ago
    Sue Dewar
    “Karine! Thank you so much for supporting this cause, very kind and generous. Hoping your niece stays well and you and your family can put this all behind you. Thank YOU! Xxx”
  • Kathi Kerr
    “Hi Sue - I know you will "conquer" and I am very happy for you...XOXO”
    Received this donation 134 days ago
    Sue Dewar
    “Kathi Kerr! You are so kind and generous to support this year after year. Thank you sooo much, it means a lot! Xoxo back!🥰”
  • Stewart Kennedy
    “Hey Sue .... both of you are amazing to do this. And Scott is out there keeping up. Your both great. Stew”
    Received this donation 54 days ago
    Sue Dewar
    “No, Stew, you are!!! Thank you both so so much, it means a lot to the Cause, and to us! Thank you, neighbour! Xxx”
  • SteveC
    “Ride Sue Ride through the countryside! You Go Girl! 🚴‍♀️”
    Received this donation 35 days ago
    Sue Dewar
    “Stevie C, you sneaky devil you! Thank you for supporting this old hen once again, you are the bollocks!!! Xoxo”
  • Ann Kelly
    “Sue, you are remarkable!!! Thank you for your wonderful efforts, this means so much to so many.”
    Received this donation 38 days ago
    Sue Dewar
    “Ann Kelly!!! Thank you for your support and encouragement darlin, once again. You are the bestest, my friend! Xxx”
  • Hannah Westbrook
    “Go Sue go!!!! The boys love the spiderman riding gear!”
    Received this donation 82 days ago
    Sue Dewar
    “Hannah!!! Thank you (and the boys) for your generous support and encouragement. It means a lot for the cause and for this old hen! Xoxo”
  • Joan and Kenneth Purcell
    Received this donation 49 days ago
    Sue Dewar
    “Joan and Kenny, you are so kind to support this cause and me! It means a lot! Now Scott HAS to come with me! Thank you soooo much. Xxx”
  • Juergen Seeger
    “Here is to yet another very successful year”
    Received this donation 85 days ago
    Sue Dewar
    “Hey neighbour!!! What a great way to start the day, after walking the girls, of course! Thank you both so much for your kind, generous and continuous support for the cause! Thank you!!! And remember, you're my first phone call should I get a flat!🤣🚴‍♀️😛”
  • Lynne Rochette
    “Sue is an ABSOLUTE sweetheart...she tirelessly dedicates her time to a very worthy cause❣🫂❤”
    Received this donation 69 days ago
    Sue Dewar
    “Awww, Lynne!!! You are the sweetest Miss Day ever!!! Thank you so much for supporting and encouraging me yet again! Very kind and generous!❤❤❤”
    “Way to go Sue! Maureen & Steve”
    Received this donation 89 days ago
    Sue Dewar
    “Awww, thank you SO much for your continued support. It means a lot, very kind! 🚴‍♀️❤🌞”
  • Sandy and Keith Chisholm
    “Don't know how you do it Sue, but keep doing it!!!! We're very proud of you. And your sidekick! Sandy and Keith”
    Received this donation 22 days ago
    Sue Dewar
    “You Chisels are the best! Thank you so very much for your support and encouragement, and for looking after my sidekick sometimes! Thank you both!❤”
  • Sharon Bramwell
    “You are Amazing Sue to continue riding for such a Great Cause!”
    Received this donation 23 days ago
    Sue Dewar
    “Sharon, you are SO kind, I'm so grateful for your support of this cause. Thank you, thank you, thank you!😁🚴‍♀️🌞”
  • Susan White
    “Great job Sue!”
    Received this donation 21 days ago
    Sue Dewar
    “Susan White!!! Thank YOU so much for your support and generosity, it means so much! Thank you!🚴‍♀️😁🥰”
Donate Now