Halifax Chapter, Nova Scotia

Join the Halifax Chapter in the Great Cycle Challenge and let's ride together this August to fight kids' cancer!

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Number of Riders


Total Raised


Total Ridden

24,649.1 km

Our Community

Our Teams

Name Raised
Sandy’s Sidekicks Sandy’s Sidekicks $22,070
Members of Sandy’s Sidekicks
Bob Loney Bob Loney $16,705
Derek Boan Derek Boan $3,322
Rick Vigrass Rick Vigrass $739
Peter Phillips Peter Phillips $719
Bike Hero DGH Bike Hero DGH $7,880
Members of Bike Hero DGH
Phil Neily Phil Neily $7,880
The Live Wires The Live Wires $1,076
Members of The Live Wires
Derek Fong Derek Fong $1,076

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