Richard Bone

5years All Star
Richard Bone
I am riding 500 km for The Kids. Please sponsor me and support my challenge to fight kids' cancer and save little lives.
I've Ridden 0.0 km ? My goal is 500 km
My Rankings
  • National: N/A
  • Province: N/A in AB
I've raised $0 My goal is $2,500 Donate Now

I'm Riding For

The Kids

The Kids

For ALL the kids! For my Granddaughter Kylie. "The Bug" does not have cancer, she has my heart, my soul, and every fiber of my life held in her little smile. (When she isn't being a terrorist) She is the Granddaughter I was never supposed to have met having been handed a terminal diagnosis in 2013.

My Story

5 Feb 2025

In Dec 2012 I was first diagnosed with Stage IV colon cancer w/mets to liver. FolFox failed causing more spread to lymph nodes, including a cluster around aorta in the posterior peritoneum. My prognosis then went "Terminal" with a 5% chance living beyond a year.

That was June 0f 2013. I'm still here......

I May Have Cancer, But Cancer Doesn't Have Me!

In the 12+ years I have been fighting the various, sometimes repeating forms of cancer, I have learned a lot about myself, and how Strong a person can be when it is really needed. That is why I dedicate my riding to helping the kids who are forced to fight this terrible disease in hospital instead of playing outside with their friends.

It's been a long, long, long decade......

2012 Stage IV Colon cancer mets to liver, lymph nodes - Removed 2/3 large intestine, 2 large chunks from liver, appendix and gall bladder

2013 June Terminal with 5% chance making it past 1 year.

2015 Bladder cancer

2016 Bladder cancer

2017 Squamous Cell carcinoma throat, mouth, tongue - 19.5 hour surgery to remove L&R tonsils, part of tongue, left side of throat, soft pallet, 348 lymph nodes from neck, 6 weeks daily radiation, 1 1/2 years learning how to eat, lifetime swallowing issues with almost daily episodes of choking on simple meals. A lifelong hazard that will only get worse as I age and weaken.

2018 bladder cancer, 2.5 years BCG Therapy

2022 May, bladder cancer, kidney tumor

2022 August 16, removed kidney, ureter, and small piece of bladder

2023 September - New tumor found in my urethrae.

2023, October - Trans-urethral tumor resection (Friday 13th.)

2023 November - Update from urologist re: pathology......

2025 - Continued schedule of chemo for bladder/urethra into 2026......

Thank You from the bottom of my heart for your support. It really does mean the world to me, and so many others.

Read my story, and much more...

#IAmBone #NobodyFightsAlone #iwontbackdown #TomorrowsCoffee

My Legacy

Here's my personal impact over 5 years to fight kids' cancer and save little lives.
  • Ridden
  • Ridden
    $2,538 Raised
  • 1,188 km Ridden
    $5,827 Raised
  • 296 km Ridden
    $1,447 Raised
1,528 km

My Challenge

  • 8.1 km ride - First Ride 2025! - Sunday, March 2, 2025
    Logged this ride 28 days ago - View on Strava
  • Get after it!
    13 Jan 2025

    Here we are at the beginning of 2025, and already looking forward to August and another year participating in The Great Cycle Challenge Canada to benefit Childhood Cancer Fighters!

    This will be my 5th year participating in this great cause, and I look forward to all the inspiring stories, and support from the other participants far and wide. We may be mostly riding alone, but we do it with a common goal.... FIGHT CHILDHOOD CANCER!

    I am still in my own cancer war, and the current battle is the continued chemo treatments to rid my bladder/urinary tract of any residual cancer left from previous battles. Akin to going into a battlefield to clean-up any and all land-mines and other unexploded ordnance left behind.

    I have been incredibly fortunate to have received much support over the yeas, and humbly ask once again for you to consider continuing your most generous support via Donations to SickKids Foundation through my Great Cycle Challenge Canada profile page. Every dollar helps !

    When I include “#TomorrowsCoffee” in my posts, it is to remind myself, and hopefully inspire others, to think of tomorrow with enthusiasm and gratitude. Start each day with a smile!

    I may have cancer, but cancer doesn’t have me!

    “We have not come this far to only come this far.” Danny Riggs

    Link In BIO!

    #IAmBone #EightXAndCounting

    #NobodyFightsAlone #iwontbackdown #CancerJourney #cancerwarrior #TomorrowsCoffee #warrior #survivor #KFG #manuptocancer #BDP #cancersurvivor #GCCC #GreatCycleChallengeCanada

    Get after it!
    Posted 76 days ago
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